Thursday, 27 November 2008

You Deserve it!

Here's something a good trainer friend of mine shared with me regarding what he tells his clients when they find it difficult to resist all the temptations such as coffee, fast food, crisps, sweets, etc. 

He shares with them that we often give in to these temptations by telling ourselves that we deserve it.  If we have a bad day of work we reach for that chocolate bar, or if we have to get up extra early we justify that extra cup of coffee.  We always find a way to justify these temptations, but the truth is what we really deserve is to fill our bodies with good nutritious food.  We owe it to ourselves!  If we feed our body good things then the benefits will be increased energy, improved circulation, vitality and well-being.  

Next time you are tempted to reach for those empty calories, think to yourself: Do I really deserve this?  

Saturday, 22 November 2008

My Next Challenge - Check it out!

My greatest challenge yet is coming up.  It's the London Flora Marathon 2009.  I've completed 2 marathons in the past therefore that isn't my challenge.  The challenge is training through the winter!  

I've always chosen to do autumn marathons meaning most of my training has been through the summer.  Keep up with how I'm surviving by reading my running blog: Click HERE  

I'll share with you what I am doing for training, what I'm eating, what kinds of supplements I'm taking, and simply how I am getting on.

I hope that my blog will inspire you, not necessarily with running a marathon but with facing whatever challenges you have ahead of you.  I want to show you by that taking one day at a time and at times one step at a time that you too can accomplish anything.  

Whether your challenge is sticking to a new nutrition plan, an exercise plan, or something more personal, whatever it is that you too can get there.  No one said it will easy but the rewards will be life changing.

My philosophy: Stop dreaming and start doing!